Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Custom Text Arced Round Badge

Custom Text Arced Round Badge

Custom Text Arced Round Badge
Discounted price

Text Line 1 (across the middle):

Text Line 2 arced on top (if required):

Text Line 3 arced bottom (if required):

Text Colour:

Background Colour:

Badge Pin Type:

Gold Pin Clasp

Silver Pin Clasp

Gold Clutch Pin

Silver Clutch Pin

- +

Item Ref. No. PBD25T2

This version of the custom text round badge has the text laid out

text line 1 straight across the middle of the badge, and text lines

2 and 3 (if required) arced round the top and bottom respectively.


Round badges with arced text are £2.20 each (£2.64 inc. vat).


Order 10 or more round badges with the exact


and you qualify for discount quantity prices (above).


These are premium quality metal lapel pin badges with a gold or silver

colour finish base and a choice of pin clasp or clutch pin fitting.


Printed part of the badge is a replica enamel style poly-dome,

formed from a printed vinyl base covered by clear polyurethane resin.

This creates a high quality and durable dome to protect your badge.


Specs:  insert size 25mm     Overall size 27mm.


Minimum order: There is no minimum order, you can order just

one badge, but please be aware there is a minimum post & packing

charge per order.


Watch your spelling!: type the exact text you want in the tabs provided.

Please take care as we will reproduce this text EXACTLY AS TYPED.

Remember to use the correct upper or lower case and any punctuation.


Text: maximum 25 characters per line inc. spaces.


Delivery: allow a minimum of seven working days production time

for domed badges made to order. Large quantity orders may take

longer. Add a minimum two working days shipping time (UK).


Colour Selection Advice:

Try to choose contrasting colours for your text and background,

otherwise your badges may not be easy to read at a distance.

See the colour swatch illustrations for a rough idea (gold and silver text

is shiny metallic so stands out better than the illustrations may suggest).


Order now, pay on Invoice: 

We accept orders on account from Schools. Create an account

and log in, and your order details will be remembered for the next

time you or a Colleague need to order badges.

1. Add your badge titles to the cart.

2. Select the 'CHECKOUT' button on the shopping cart page.

3. Fill out your billing and delivery address details on the checkout page.

    Please do not forget to put the School name in the address section.

4. Type your official Schools purchase order no. in the tab provided


We will send an invoice with your goods, to be paid within 30 days. 


The Order now, pay on Invoice option is available to UK based Schools

and Educational Institutions with official purchase orders only.


You can of course pay with order by paypal or debit/credit card instead

Just select the 'paypal' button on the shopping cart to use your paypal

account, or pay by 'Stripe', a secure payment processor, at checkout.

Badges by Type
Custom Badges by Shape
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