Keyrings and Keyfobs custom printed with your design.

Email your artwork of any crest, logo or design to be printed on keyrings and keyfobs.
Printed and assembled in the UK, made to order keyrings/keyfobs are delivered in just a few days.

We have 7 keyring and 3 keyfob designs in our range. Keyrings are solid metal, silver colour finish.
Keyfobs are black bonded leather with silver colour solid metal jump rings, studs and droppers.

The printed part of the keyring/keyfob is a replica enamel style domed badge that is scratchproof.
non-yellowing, waterproof and non-fading.

The minimum order quantity for made to order keyrings and keyfobs is 25.

Price is dependant on the quantity of keyrings or keyrings you order.

Prices quoted do not include VAT.

For full details and price bands, and to order online, click on an item -
Badges by Type
Custom Badges by Shape
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